03 October 2007

roasting acorn squash and baking bread

Tonight I made squash inspired by Thyme for Cooking. In looking at her photo, I see that I sliced my squash in the wrong direction. I don't think it made a difference. Also, I didn't have any dried rosemary but dried thyme was a tasty substitute. My squash was from Planet Organics. I used half a squash, since dinner was just for me tonight. On the side I heated up some leftover rice and shelled edammame.

While my squash slices were in the oven I went over my list for this week's Planet Organics delivery. I've decided to reduce the number of plain old apples and oranges and add some splurge items. Hopefully, if they're not sold out, I'm getting some first-of-the-season pomegranates. I'd also like some Mt. Tam cheese and basil and tomatoes.

I'm baking bread this evening. I'm putting the elements in order for the perfect storm of grilled cheese sandwiches. However, as I'm typing this, I can smell my bread burning slightly. For the first time ever, it has flowed over the top of the bread making bucket. I'm not sure if I should unplug it, or maybe just scoop off the overflow, or just let it go. Currently I'm opting for letting it go and seeing what happens.

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